What days do you offer service? Our service days are currently Tuesday through Saturday.
What are your office hours? Our office hours are Monday through Friday 12:00-5:00pm
How do I place an order? You can place your orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week either via email,fill out order form or our after hour recorder. Please note that all orders received after 5PM will be treated as the next business day. There are no same day installations.
How do I know you got my order? If you email or fill out the order form we will send a confirmation back to you. Any order left on our recorder will be confirmed by request.
When will my sign go up/down? Orders received before 5pm Monday through Friday are generally placed the following day. Orders placed after 5pm on Friday or over the weekend or Holiday will be received the following business day and placed on Tuesday. Special orders or weather conditions may take longer.
I called/Emailed my order? Why isn't it up yet? Installation orders will be installed the next day provided the following criteria is met.
1. Correct and legible address, cross street and Thomas Guide numbers are provided.
2. Correct and legible name of Company and Agent ordering service is provided.
3. Correct phone number on Company sign or Personal sign you are requesting along with any Special Instructions.
4. Sign inventory must be stored in our facility to provide next day service, unless left on property or hung by agent.
Why didn't you install my post where I requested? We will try to place the post exactly where you requested or the best visible spot provided there are no sprinkler pipes or other obstructions. We encourage you to utilize placement flags or markers when available.
I called a down sign and you took my Rider! If you attached a rider to the post after we installed it, you must remove it before calling a down sign. We are not responsible for your riders. All riders you attach will be left on the property for you to pick up.
Woodstock Signs & Installation
Mitch Norman
1840 S. Gaffey St. #470
San Pedro, CA 90731
Phone: 310 548-5087
Email: Woodstocksigns@yahoo.com